Comprehensive Pet Dentistry Services

At our practice, we understand that maintaining your pet’s dental health is essential for their overall well-being. Our advanced veterinary dentistry services go beyond basic care, addressing a wide range of dental needs to ensure your pet’s teeth and gums stay in optimal condition. From routine dental cleaning to complex treatments, Leo’s Pet Care has your pet’s overall health covered.

Why Choose Leo’s Pet Care for Pet Dentistry?

  • Experienced Care: Our skilled team specializes in pet dentistry, providing expert care for your furry friends.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer a wide range of dental treatments, from routine cleaning to addressing complex dental conditions.
  • Tartar Removal: Pets can’t brush their teeth, so tartar buildup is common.  We use advanced techniques, including dental scaling, to effectively remove tartar both above and below the gum line.
  • Tooth Preservation: Our goal is to preserve your pet’s teeth whenever possible.  We provide tooth extraction only when it’s necessary to relieve pain or prevent the progression of dental issues.
  • X-Ray Technology: We employ state-of-the-art x-ray technology to detect hidden dental problems, such as decay, bone infections, abscesses, cysts, and even signs of oral cancer.
  • Safe Anesthesia:  To ensure your pet’s comfort during dental procedures, we use anesthesia and closely monitor their vital signs throughout the process.


Our Dental Procedures

  • Dental Scaling: Our most basic procedure involves using sonic and ultrasonic power scalers, along with handheld instruments, to remove tartar and plaque building from your pet’s teeth.
  • Tooth Extraction: While we strive to preserve teeth, extraction may be necessary in cases of severe pain or advanced periodontal disease to prevent further complications.
  • X-Ray Examination: Our advanced x-ray technology helps us identify hidden dental issues that may otherwise go unnoticed, enabling early intervention.
  • Anesthesia: We prioritize your pet’s comfort and safety, utilizing anesthesia and local anesthetics to manage pain during procedures.

Regular Dental Checkups

To maintain your pet’s overall health, we recommend annual dental checkups.  During these visits, we conduct thorough dental exams, clean teeth and gums when necessary, and provide personalized care.

Pet Dental Service Image

Signs Your Pet Needs Dental Care

Regular dental care is essential, but it’s equally important to recognize signs of potential dental problems.

  • Chronic Bad Breath
  • Avoiding Mouth Touch
  • Excessive Drooling
  • Difficulty eating or dropping food
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Loss of appetite or weight
  • Tartar buildup around the gum line
  • Missing, loose, or broken teeth

Schedule a Veterinary Dental Appointment at Leo’s Pet Care

Caring for your pet’s dental health is a vital part of their overall well-being.  Contact us today to schedule a veterinary dental appointment and ensure your pet’s smile stays healthy and bright.